February 4, 2021

MARKHAM, ON, FEBRUARY 4, 2020 – Everlink Payment Services Inc. is pleased to announce its membership in the Digital ID and Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC), a non-profit coalition of public and private sector organizations seeking to develop a secure and robust framework to solve the real-world challenges of digital identity and contribute to ensuring Canada’s success in the digital economy.

As a member of the DIACC, Everlink will be a strong representative as an industry leader in comprehensive, innovative and integrated payments solutions and services for credit unions, banks, and SMEs across Canada. Currently, Everlink serves 97% of Canadian Credit Unions, 55% of consumer-facing schedule 1 and 2 banks, and 32% of non-bank secured ISOs, as well as Interac for all Canadian mobile debit transactions and as the debit gateway for several large-scale, international POS Acquirers.

“Everlink will continue to help shape digital innovation and transformation in the Canadian payments landscape by providing industry-leading products and services with its comprehensive portfolio of payments solutions delivered via seven diversified Lines of Business,” says Mark Ripplinger, President and CEO of Everlink. “We are looking forward to our contribution to DIACC’s goals through our unique expertise in the Canadian financial services industry and all things payments related. Everlink is excited to participate in building the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework and leveraging it as a foundational framework to infuse digital identity into the innovative payments solutions we develop for our clients. I am sure the experience we gain will help contribute to accelerate Everlink’s thought leadership in the payments modernization and open banking space.”

“On behalf of the DIACC, I welcome Everlink to our growing membership base,” says Joni Brennan,
President of the DIACC. “Their expertise in the payments solutions industry will help ensure our efforts in implementing the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework capture the needs of this sector, to truly
meet the needs of all Canadians.”

The DIACC intends for the framework to be adopted by Canadian governments and businesses to create an interconnected system that will improve verifiability and protections for digital identity. The DIACC is also focused on ensuring Canada’s full participation in the global digital economy, developing an innovation agenda and modernizing digital service delivery.

About the DIACC
The DIACC is a non-profit coalition of public and private sector leaders committed to developing a Canadian digital identification and authentication framework to enable Canada’s full and secure participation in the global digital economy. The DIACC was created as a result of the federal government’s Task Force for the Payments System Review and members include representatives from both the federal and provincial levels of government as well as private sector leaders.

For more information about the DIACC, visit www.diacc.ca.

About Everlink Payments Services Inc.
Everlink Payment Services Inc. is a leading provider of comprehensive, innovative and integrated payments solutions and services for credit unions, banks, and SMEs across Canada. In addition to supplying best‐in-breed technology infrastructure and payment network connectivity, we offer a comprehensive range of integrated payments Lines of Business including: Payment Network Gateway, ATM Managed Services, Card Issuance & Management, Fraud Management Solutions, Mobile Payments, Professional Services and SME Solutions.
