March 16, 2020

Everlink’s response to COVID-19 – Monday, March 16, 2020

Along with our clients, partners and other members of our global community, Everlink continues to monitor information from Canadian and international health organizations, as well as other official sources, regarding coronavirus/COVID-19. The health and safety of our staff, clients and other partners remains a top priority at Everlink.

Everlink also recognizes the importance for all companies to maintain business continuity and to carry on operations and business as usual to the greatest extent possible at all times. Accordingly, Everlink has, and will continue to, take steps to protect the integrity of its business.

Everlink maintains a detailed Business Continuity Plan (BCP) designed to provide for (among other things) remote access operations in the event that personnel are unable to operate from Everlink’s main office location.

Furthermore, Everlink has taken the following additional precautionary steps:

  • Communicating with all Everlink personnel:
    • Encouraging employees to stay informed and up to date on the latest advisories and news from official sources, including Health Canada, Canada Travel and Tourism, Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization;
    • Providing written workplace guidelines, practices and policies designed to minimize the risk of contracting or spreading infectious diseases, including:
      • Clear directives to stay at home and seek immediate medical attention if ill,
      • Reminders to maintain vigilant personal and workspace cleanliness and hygiene, and respect and tolerance for the use of face masks at work, and
      • Adoption of a general ‘no handshake’ policy.
    • Providing guidance to address circumstances where there may have been a heightened risk of personal exposure to COVID-19, including visiting healthcare facilities where COVID-19 has been treated.
  • Implementing travel policies and remote work policies, including:
    • Strict business travel policies to restrict all non-essential business travel (including travel to and attendance at mass gatherings);
    • Policies and procedures for returning to work after personal travel; and
    • A flexible remote work policy.
  • Communicating and coordinating with Everlink’s office building and facilities management teams regarding the precautions being undertaken by the building administration and maintenance staff.

Everlink recognizes the importance of maintaining continuity of communications with its clients and partners, particularly in these uncertain and evolving circumstances. Everlink’s Account Management and Client Services teams (including Incident Management and National Client Support Centre) will continue to communicate with Everlink’s clients and partners via their established channels, including telephone and email, for all matters relating to the services provided by Everlink.

Mark Ripplinger
President & CEO
Everlink Payment Services Inc.